It is also a title of a book by Kay Arthur.
Sometime after the birth of our third child, but before the birth of our youngest, the wife of our Pastor at the time taught a Bible study on the Names of God...the actual title was "Lord, I Want to Know You More", but what I remember was being taught the names of God and how much comfort and peace there seem to be in His names.
However, I was in a different season of my life, husband worked nights, three little ones, get the picture. Sometimes Wednesday nights did not seem to fit into "my" schedule, which is when this Bible study took place.
When I look back at that time of my life I am reminded of how in Malachi the Lord says that we "rob Him and we rob ourselves of blessings", of course this passage is speaking of offerings and tithes, but I often wonder how many blessings I robbed myself of on those evenings when I robbed God of my time and did not make it to church.
Fast forward to Summer 2011, I was at a yard sale (shock, shock) that was actually packing up for the day when I noticed their books.
I spotted one that I wanted.
I asked how much and to my surprise they told me "free!"....I so love that word!
The book? A devotion study...
"Lord, I Want to Know You" by Kay Arthur
God's timing is perfect..remember my prayer?
I connected via Facebook with our former Pastor's wife (she's my friend too!) and she sent me the outline she had made for the study.
I am anxious to learn the ones I missed, but also be reminded of those I heard.
God is good......
But He is so much more than that!!!
Check back as I share what I learn over the next several weeks.
Linking up to Finer Things Friday at Amy's Finer Things