Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Family Rules and Mod Podge....

ok so while surfing one day, I stumbled upon The Pleated Poppy and her family rules... I had to have make for our family. So with some scrapbook paper I had on hand( the colors weren't really the colors I love, but didn't want to go buy more)a piece of foam board from Dollar Tree & Mod Podge (which I think I am really going to love playing with), I created Gerst Family Rules...

and because I really lack originality, I used most of her family's rules.. hey they are great rules!! Here they are since they are hard to read in the picture...

- Forgiveness is mandatory
-Always tell the truth
-Have fun, be kind, ask first, no fussing, no whining
-Be creative at all times
-Encourage your siblings..share in their joy
-Husband hug your wife daily & wife always be on his side
-Obey your parents
-Never leave angry
-Sing silly, dance crazy, hug often, say I love you
-Bless your food, eat together
-Keep your promises
-Say your prayers and thank God for this family

She had others on her list, but I was limited on space...

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