We are in the process of doing some makeovers to some of the rooms in our house, as well as doing some switching of rooms. The bedrooms are on the list of getting a makeover, they are long overdue for one. Inspire by the
My Dear Trash blog and the challenges that are always going on, I wanted to give myself my own challenge of doing the makeovers as inexpensively as possible and paying for it as much as possible with money I earn on the side, e.g. Craigslist, Ebay, writing....
Hmmmm...where was I going with this...

Oh yeah!! This weekend I visited a store called Surplus City and scored unbelievable deals for our makeover, including bedding for comforters w/ matching pillowshams for two of the kiddos...
Cute Manly grey and black Batman comforter w/ matching pillowsham for............drumroll please...............
$2.49!!!One of my smart shoppin' lil' ladies found herself a very feminine pink bedspread w/ matching pillowsham for...................wait for it...............................
$1.99!!!I know right!!!!
The store was having an awesome sale..all purple stickers were 90% off. The hunt was on for me, I searched high and low for these few and far between purple stickers.
I managed to find another boys comforter w/ sham that I will sell on Craigslis.
I found a set of glasses for a whole $1.69 - we needed these so bad!!! Also found a landline phone with bells and whistles for $2.29 - we currently only have cordless at home, I figured we probably needed a landline too. I found a really pretty ivory window scarf for $1.XX that I am probably going to use to make a couple of throw pillows for the makeover in our family room.