Hmmmm...where was I going with this...

Oh yeah!! This weekend I visited a store called Surplus City and scored unbelievable deals for our makeover, including bedding for comforters w/ matching pillowshams for two of the kiddos...
One of my smart shoppin' lil' ladies found herself a very feminine pink bedspread w/ matching pillowsham for...................wait for it...............................
I know right!!!!
The store was having an awesome sale..all purple stickers were 90% off. The hunt was on for me, I searched high and low for these few and far between purple stickers.
I managed to find another boys comforter w/ sham that I will sell on Craigslis.
I found a set of glasses for a whole $1.69 - we needed these so bad!!! Also found a landline phone with bells and whistles for $2.29 - we currently only have cordless at home, I figured we probably needed a landline too. I found a really pretty ivory window scarf for $1.XX that I am probably going to use to make a couple of throw pillows for the makeover in our family room.
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