Before I go on, I do need to give props to my husband and my "future farmer" son, every year they plant something, sometimes it grows, sometimes not, but they sure give it a shot.
Anyway, again, since I am no longer working, we really need to cut corners where we can and well, cutting out fruits and vegetables is just not an option. So we have been thinking that a serious garden next year will be a must.
Since a green thumb I do not have, I have been doing research on what exactly it takes to have a decent crop.... good soil, seeds needing to be planted a certain depth, needing plenty of water, yet not too much. You know the basics that I probably learned in my 3rd grade science class, a mere 26 years ago, but have long forgotten. Upon my research, I stumbled upon several articles about having a lasagna garden, a no tilling, no digging way of growing your garden. Did you get that? The hardest physical part of a garden is eliminated using this method AND it is a very green way of growing your garden.
In a nutshell lasagna gardening involves layering compost, such as leaves, grass, twigs and some food scraps in such a way that when it comes time to plant your garden in the spring you will have nice soft, very fertilized soil to plant your garden, making digging and tilling non-essential. By doing this now, it will have several months to "cook down" and create perfect soil for gardening.
If interested in this method of gardening check it out here for a much more detailed instructions.
Here are some pics of my "gonna be a farmer when I grow up" son helping me getting the lasagna garden going....
The first layer believe it or not is newspaper... told you it was a green garden
The next layer is leaves, twigs and all that good stuff you can find outside...
More leaves and stuff...
After this picture we put down a bunch of table scraps we have been composting and mixed it real good. Everyday we will add more to it, including shredded newspaper, until it is about two feet tall or so....
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