Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Operation Organization 10/21/09

The battle of the living room rages on, although it appears I am ahead. Honestly, I could have won the battle yesterday, but I had this 2 year old little girl, who came up to me and in the sweetest tone ever said "mommy, wanna mmball wif me" that translates, to "mommy, wanna play ball with me" which means she wanted to toss the ball to each other for a




I couldn't resist, I just couldn't. She has spent 5 out of 7 days a week with someone other than me while I was at work for the past two years, right now I cannot get enough of her!!! I digress...
Anyway, once I finish up the living room, my army of two, literally my two arms and I will move to the hallway.. don't laugh, seriously the hallway. I have a corner shelving that has managed to capture many things a hostage, I will free them today.
I also have a hall closet that is in dire need of my attention, it is currently holding my stockpile of hygiene products, towels, toilet paper, anything that would typically be used in the bathroom. Oh the organization that awaits!
And being the ever optimist, the battle of the bathroom will result in a victory today as well. We have ONE very small bathroom, while it itself is clean, what is under the bathroom sink I cannot attest to..bad, so bad.

Since the living room and hallway come together, I will post pics once they are both done.

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