This holiday season we are on a budget that is tighter than it has been previous years. I don't want any giving that we would typically do to suffer because of this.
So the Hasbro game deal really was a blessing, not only was I able to pick up games for our family, but I was also able to pick up some for Toys for Tots! That good of a deal can be few and far between though.
Today as I was waiting for the kids at school, I picked up to read my All You magazine. There was an article about giving without spending any money.
Below are a few of the ideas that you can do this holiday season to help others out even if you yourself are short on cash.
Free Rice - At this website you will answer a series of vocabulary questions, for each correct answer, 10 grains of rice are donated. To date 71,067,033,230 grains of rice have been donated to help feed the hungry.
Good Search This is a search engine that donates to a cause of your choice with every search you do... yes, it is that easy!
Care2 This is a click to donate website. Simply go to the website, find a cause you want to donate to and click. You can click once per day per cause.
Of course, if you happen to have a little extra money this holiday season there are certainly some great places that could use some extra help this year.
I **heard** that Toys for Tots have already received double their applications so far this year. This is a reputable organization that has been around for many years.
Another great organization is Compassion. It is a Christian organization that helps children internationally in poverty stricken countries, not only supplying their physical needs, but meeting their spiritual needs as well. As a family last Christmas we decided to support a child in Nicaragua...it has truly been a blessing for our family in so many ways. I know it would be a blessing to your family too.
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