Thursday, November 5, 2009

Shame On Me...

I have neglected my blog this week! It has been quite the week so far, alot accomplished.

Monday I worked around the house, nothing exciting for sure.

Tuesday, I spent the day working an odd job to earn some cash. We are buying a new couch and I am bound and determine not a penny of it will come out of our general fund or savings fund, it will be all from things sold, odd jobs worked, etc. We should have it by the weekend, which is perfect since the one I want is at Weekends Only. Tuesday evening was my son's awards ceremony for flag football. It was so neat! The guest speaker was the mascot for the Kansas City Chiefs. He is an amazing speaker with a great testimony!

Moving on to Wednesday, I accomplished much in the way of cooking. I went to the grocery store and sadly went over my budget, but am hoping to make that up by saving in next weeks budgeted amount. Anyway, I brought home all my meat (I still stuck to my less than $2lb rule) cooked it all up, divided it, put the appropriate seasoning in it and froze it. So my dinners for the next week or so will be very easy!!

Today I am getting our family room ready for its new tenant - the couch! I am so excited. I am going to try to do a little makeover in there, I love rearranging rooms, problem is I am so decorating challenged.

Have a great day everyone!!

Oh and one more thing, could you all say a prayer that we will find our memory card for our camera... I am so bummed. Fortunately, Brian has made it a habit that as soon as we get back from somewhere that we took pictures, he immediately saves them on the computer. So even if we don't find it, no pics are lost. I just don't want to buy a new memory card!!! Thanks!

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