is not for someone who could possibly be ADD. So many stores, so many people, so many kiosks, I mean the distractions are just endless.
I had the privilege of going to the mall alone.. that is right, no kids, no husband, just ME!! The older kids were at school and Brian graciously stayed home with the baby (ok, so she's two, but she will forever be the baby!)
I made my list and checked it twice. With my coupons in hand, I was on a mission.
First things first.. where to park. Really that is a big decision, at least for me. I have to park somewhere that will be easy for me to remember where I parked - goes back to the undiagnosed ADD.
Check.. parked at a Macy's entrance. I parked there because when the store was still a Famous Barr and I would go to the mall with my mom, that is where we parked.
Easy enough.. now off to shop. I did well, let me give you a run down on how I did..
Using a Yankee Candle coupon that you can find
here I headed to the Yankee Candle store in search of teacher gifts. I needed three, I want them to be nice, we really like our teachers!! So I found some really nice Christmasy candleholders (go figure, candle holders at a Yankee store)
First purchase of the day....
3 Christmas candle holders
2 candles (the third requires a tealight. I already have one at home, in case you were wondering)
Total before coupon...$26.XX
Total after coupon....$16.XX
Three presents bought..I will pair these candleholders up with a previous great deal I got at Bath and Body Works.
I was pleased...
Next stop.. Hot Topic
I can't say that I am a big fan of Hot Topic, but my daughter is and I am a big fan of her. So I popped in there to see what they had. And just in case she would happen to decide to see what mom has posted recently, I am not posting my purchases. I will tell you what I saved...
Total before discounts (no coupon, just good sales)..$40.xx
Total after discounts...$22.XX
Not too shabby...2 presents and 4 stocking stuffers!
Now I am looking for Bath and Body Works. I printed off a coupon that I found
here. This coupon is for a free item of your choice, up to a $13 value, when you spend $10 or more. There are a couple of exclusions listed, such as the free item cannot be a gift set. Your $10 purchase can be a gift set though.
So total before coupon $23.XX
Total after coupon - $10.XX (Yup, I spent $10 and my free item was $13..love how that works)
My last and final stop.. the Hallmark Store. I brought with me a coupon that I found
here. This coupon is good for $5 off your purchase of $5 or more.
I found there a really pretty bracelet - haven't decided for sure who will be the lucky recipient of it.. I have a couple of people in mind.
Total before coupon... $10.XX
Total after coupon....$5.XX
So in case you haven't been adding in your head as you went...
Trip to mall total before coupons and discounts....$99.XX
Trip to mall after coupons and discounts....$$53.XX
Total Savings...$46.XX (I did not include tax in any of the amounts)
I am happy!!