Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!!!

We (my husband and I) somehow orchestrated us a night out Friday night for our Valentine's Day. We went to dinner AND a movie. It was so nice.

While the hubs and my Valentine's Day celebration is done since he has to work, I decided to treat the kids tonight to a Papa Murphy's heart shaped pizza, IBC Root Beer, a fave for them & cupcakes.

shhh...they don't know.

In other Valentine's Day news, my eight year old daughter was asked to be someone's Valentine for the first time that was not a blood relative and he asked her to go see a movie with him and his parents.

Say it with me - "awwwwwwwwwww......."

Happy Valentine's Day!!

P.S. If you are interested in making an easy peasy Valentine's Day wreath check it out here.


  1. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment today, Penny. And I will give a double "awwww". Young love is so sweet. :)

  2. We had my niece over the weekend so my SIL and BIL could have a night out together. Tonight is our night.

    Thanks for your comment.
