Wednesday, March 9, 2011

We Finally Got One..

A library card that is!!

I know that doesn't seem like a big deal and well, it probably isn't. We live outside the city limits and do not pay any taxes into the library, therefore it is not free to us. So I am excited that we finally took the plunge.

Now that the kiddos are getting older and enjoying reading and I can enjoy cool reads of my own, we figured now is just as good of a time as any. Before we relied on thrift stores, garage sales, book sales, etc. for our books and I will still look there for books, but I just like having a library card.

Wanna know what books I checked out on our first trip?

Of course you do!!!

Miserly Moms by by Jonni McCoy - Love it already
Frugal Families by Jonni McCoy - Very useful information, alot of which we already do though.

"I Can't Believe I Get Paid To Do This!" by Stacey Mayo - Not real sure why I chose this one, I had never heard of it before. We will see how it goes.

October Song by Beverly Lewis - Because I have a fascination with the Amish and their lifestyle.

From Amish and Mennonite Kitchens by Phyllis Pellman Good & Rachel Thomas Pellman - Seriously, I love the Amish! Actually, I just love the simplicity of their lives, their minimalist way of living and since they pretty much bake everything from scratch, I figure that these recipes have to be least I hope!

I have a list going on of books I want to read, but I have to pace myself, right?!


  1. It is a shame you do not have free access to one. I raised money for years for ours and NEVER bothered to get a card. I was working in another school district and needed some resources and they gave me a card because of my teacher status. I still never used it after I stopped working there.

    Then one of my younger relatives got me hooked by telling me about the online programs. I can reserve my books online and I get emails when they arrive. I had no idea such programs had evolved. Now I am there weekly.
