Saturday, August 22, 2009

A Little More About Me.....

As briefly stated before, I am a mom to four beautiful children. Married to Brian for twelve years.

I am currently working outside of the home full time as an administrative assistant. While I am compensated well money wise, it doesn't come close to reaping the same benefits as the more challenging "job" I have.... my title, mama, mommy, just depends who needs me and why.

This blog has a two fold purpose. The first purpose is to be a journal of sorts, a way to keep track of what is going on in our lives, a memory book for me. As any mom can attest to, time flies, memories become foggy... the bottom line is I. WANT. TO. REMEBER. IT. ALL.
Our children are still young, but they have made me laugh, they have made me cry (from laughing so hard) they have taught me things about life (shh, don't tell them that, they are still young and under the assumption that mommy and daddy know everything) Anyway, here is where I can keep my memories to read and reread for years to come!

The second purpose is a blog of a journey. Brian and I have come to the conclusion that my working outside of the home is not benefiting our family other than the extra money it brings in.
We have examined where this extra money is going and was very surprised to learn that with some adjustments we can make it on one income. Now, having said that I can't / won't just up and quit my job, that is the ultimat goal, but we have a few smaller ones that we need to reach before that can happen, increasing our savings, stockpiling what we can, etc.
This blog is where I will keep track of reaching these goals, posting any money saving tips, ideas, coupons, etc. that I come across.

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